Unit testing Cocoa user interfaces: Use Check Methods

In the past, I’ve talked about ways to easily write unit tests for Cocoa applications, including [tests for user interfaces using target-action][1] and [tests for interfaces using Cocoa bindings][2]. There are some strategies you can apply to make writing tests for Cocoa code even easier, though. They’re just straightforward object-oriented programming, but sometimes we can forget that all the techniques you might use in your main code base can also be applied to our test code.

So here’s one trick that you can use in writing tests for Cocoa user interfaces, especially in ways that will make test-driven development easier.

### Use a Common Base Class with Check Methods

The first, probably most important thing to do is *use your own common base class* for your tests. Don’t derive your tests directly from `SenTestCase`; instead, derive them from your own `MyTestCase` class that in turn derives from `SenTestCase`. This gives you a place to put all of the customization that’s appropriate for your project.

Sometimes you might need a series of assertions to verify some particular state. However, that series of assertions will be the same every time you need to verify that state. Or the assertions themselves aren’t very *intention revealing* so you always wind up putting a comment above them describing what they’re really doing.

### Checking Target-Action

A simple example of this is checking a target-action connection in a user interface. Say you have a view controller that presents a collection of objects managed by an array controller. Its view has an Add button that should send `-addObject:` to the array controller. You might write a test for it like this:

– (void)testAddButtonSendsAddObjectToArrayController {
STAssertEquals([viewController.addButton target], viewController.arrayController,
@”The Add button should target the array controller.”);
STAssertEquals([viewController.addButton action], @selector(addObject:),
@”The Add button should send the -addObject: action.”);

That’s not too difficult to understand, but it could be made simpler — it could be done in a single assertion. You’d just write a method to check both the target and action at once and then use that method from your test, like this:

// in your test base class…

/*! Tells whether the control sends the action to the target. */
– (BOOL)checkControl:(NSControl *)control
return ([control action] == action)
&& ([control target] == target);

// in the tests specifying the view controller’s behavior…

– (void)testAddButtonSendsAddObjectToArrayController {
STAssertTrue([self checkControl:viewController.addButton
@”The Add button’s action should send -addObject: to the array controller.”);

That makes the intention behind the entire test a lot clearer, and it makes writing the test easier & safer since you can’t (say) forget to check either the target or the action.

It *does* lose a tiny bit of information: If the test fails, you’ll have to look at your xib file instead of the failure message to determine whether it’s because the target or the action isn’t set as you’ve specified. However, the trade-off in making the test easier to read and write is worth it here.

### Checking Outlets

This is even worthwhile for single assertions, such as those you’d use to test that your outlets are connected in the first place. For example, you might initially write a test that your view controller is your table view’s delegate like this:

– (void)testViewControllerIsTableViewDelegate {
STAssertEquals([viewController.tableView delegate], viewController,
@”The table view’s delegate should be the view controller.”);

Rewriting it to be more intention-revealing with a simple check method would make it look like this:

// in your test base class…

/*! Tells whether the outlet is connected to the given destination. */
– (BOOL)checkOutlet:(id)outlet connectsTo:(id)destination {
return outlet == destination;

// in the tests specifying the view controller’s behavior…

– (void)testViewControllerIsTableViewDelegate {
STAssertTrue([self checkOutlet:[viewController.tableView delegate]
@”The table view’s delegate should be the view controller.”);

You’re not saving any code by writing your test this way — you’re actually writing more — but its *complexity* has gone down because it requires less effort to see what it’s actually trying to do.

### Checking Bindings

This is even worthwhile in situations where you may still need a few extra assertions. For example, Cocoa bindings are specified using a lot more information than just outlets and target-acton connections; you won’t always want to check (and specify the value of) all of it, but you can easily make the common parts clearer.

Going back to our Add button example, as is typical its enabled state should be bound to the array controller’s `canAdd` property. Writing a test to specify this involves using `-infoForBinding:` and interpreting the results, which takes a couple lines of code and a couple of assertions:

– (void)testAddButtonEnabledStateIsBoundToArrayControllerCanAdd {
NSDictionary *bindingInfo = [viewController.addButton infoForBinding:NSEnabledBinding];
@”The Add button’s enabled state should be bound.”);

id observedObject = [bindingInfo objectForKey:NSObservedObjectKey];
STAssertEquals(observedObject, viewController.arrayController,
@”The Add button’s enabled state should be bound to the array controller.”);

NSString *observedKeyPath = [bindingInfo objectForKey:NSObservedKeyPathKey];
STAssertEqualObjects(observedKeyPath, @”canAdd”,
@”The Add button’s enabled state should be bound through the ‘canAdd’ key path.”);

This isn’t too complicated, but it does start to get tedious, especially given that you have to remember to distinguish between `STAssertEquals` (pointer equality) and `STAssertEqualObjects` (object equivalence). Let’s put the tedium in one place:

/*! Tells whether the object’s binding is connected through the given key path. */
– (BOOL)checkObject:(id)source
hasBinding:(NSString *)binding
through:(NSString *)keyPath
NSDictionary *bindingInfo = ;
id observedObject = [bindingInfo objectForKey:NSObservedObjectKey];
NSString *observedKeyPath = [bindingInfo objectForKey:NSObservedKeyPathKey];

return (bindingInfo != nil)
&& (observedObject == destination)
&& [keyPath isEqualToString:observedKeyPath];

// in the tests specifying the view controller’s behavior…

– (void)testAddButtonEnabledStateIsBoundToArrayControllerCanAdd {
STAssertTrue([self checkObject:viewController.addButton
@”The Add button’s enabled state should be bound to the array controller’s ‘canAdd’ property.”);

Much clearer!

[1]: https://eschatologist.net/blog/?p=10 “Unit testing Cocoa user interfaces: Target-Action”
[2]: https://eschatologist.net/blog/?p=12 “Unit testing Cocoa user interfaces: Cocoa Bindings”

Objective-C 2.0 properties and to-many relationships

I’ve occasionally been asked about the appropriate form for properties representing to-many relationships in Objective-C 2.0.

Let’s start with the example of a recipe and its ingredients, represented by instances of the Recipe and Ingredient classes.

@interface Recipe : NSObject {
NSMutableSet *_ingredients;

@property (copy) NSSet *ingredients;


This is a pretty straightforward interface for the Recipe class, but how should we actually implement it? You might first think of writing something like this:

@implementation Recipe

– (id)init {
if (self = [super init]) {
_ingredients = [[NSMutableSet alloc] init];
return self;

– (void)dealloc {
[_ingredients release];
[super dealloc];

@synthesize ingredients = _ingredients;


However, this **will not** do what you expect. In particular, whenever you manipulate the `ingredients` property, it always **replace the value** of the `_ingredients` instance variable used for its storage with a new, immutable NSSet!

What’s wrong with this? For one thing, you won’t be able to make any finer-grained changes to the `ingredients` property, so your code may wind up doing a lot of work unnecessarily. You’ll only ever post Key-Value Observing changes for the entire property, as well, not for individual manipulations; anything observing those changes will probably wind up doing extra work, too.

Why not instead change the type of the property itself to `NSMutableSet *` then? That way, your code could just manipulate the ingredients of a recipe directly, right? You *could* do that, but then you wouldn’t get **any** Key-Value Observing notifications for changes to the property. Why not? Because KVO is all about notification of **property** changes, and changing the object that stores a property’s data isn’t the same thing as changing the property itself.

What should you do then? Here’s how I would implement the `Recipe.ingredients` property instead of using the above `@synthesize` directive:

@implementation Recipe (IngredientsProperty)

– (void)setIngredients:(NSSet *)value {
[_ingredients setSet:value];

– (NSSet *)ingredients {
return [NSSet setWithSet:_ingredients];


What’s different here is that I’m taking advantage of the fact that the instance variable backing the property is mutable. For just a getter and a setter, that isn’t a big deal. However, since I’m dealing with a to-many relationship, I wouldn’t just write a getter and a setter. I’d also write some of the additional relationship-KVC methods for the property, so I can manipulate the property more efficiently, and get finer-grained KVO notifications:

@interface Recipe (IngredientsProperty)

– (void)addIngredientsObject:(Ingredient *)ingredient;
– (void)removeIngredientsObject:(Ingredient *)ingredient;

– (void)addIngredients:(NSSet *)ingredients;
– (void)removeIngredients:(NSet *)ingredients;


@implementation Recipe (IngredientsProperty)

– (void)addIngredientsObject:(Ingredient *)ingredient {
[_ingredients addObject:ingredient];

– (void)removeIngredientsObject:(Ingredient *)ingredient {
[_ingredients removeObject:ingredient];

– (void)addIngredients:(NSSet *)ingredients {
[_ingredients unionSet:ingredients];

– (void)removeIngredients:(NSSet *)ingredients {
[_ingredients minusSet:ingredients];


By doing this, when I need to manipulate a Recipe’s `ingredients` property I can use `-mutableSetValueForKey:` to do so and any changes I make will be efficient. For example, if I’m creating a Recipe to represent Meghan’s Butternut Squash Panang Curry, I might write some code like this:

NSMutableSet *ingredients = [panangCurryRecipe mutableSetValueForKey:@”ingredients”];

[ingredients addObject:[Ingredient ingredientWithName:@”Butternut Squash” quantity:1]];
[ingredients addObject:[Ingredient ingredientWithName:@”Panang Curry Paste” quantity:1]];
[ingredients addObject:[Ingredient ingredientWithName:@”Coconut Milk” quantity:1]];

Instead of making several copies of the set as I make changes, the underlying mutable set is changed in as efficient a way as possible given the accessors I’ve implemented. I don’t have to do any extra work to make that happen.

I also get efficient KVO change notifications for the property, so if I have any user interface bound to it — whether through Cocoa bindings or, if I’m using Cocoa Touch, a “bindings lite” implemented atop KVO — the change notifications it receives will reflect exactly the changes made, instead of wholesale replacement of the set.

I could still improve the code above. I’m using `-[NSObject(NSKeyValueCoding) mutableSetValueForKey:]` to manipulate the `Recipe.ingredients` property. That means I don’t get nice Code Sense completion from Xcode, and have to remember the property’s name *and* spell it correctly when I use it in a string. So I’ll add the following property declaration and implementation:

@interface Recipe (IngredientsProperty)
@property (readonly, copy) NSMutableSet *mutableIngredients;

@implementation Recipe (IngredientsProperty)

– (NSMutableSet *)mutableIngredients {
return [self mutableSetValueForKey:@”ingredients”];


You’re probably thinking something like “Wait a minute, `readonly` and `NSMutableSet`?!” That’s exactly what I mean to say, though: You can mutate the *collection* you get back (“read”) from the property, but not the *property itself*.

> **Update:** On Twitter, a couple of people asked why I didn’t just use `-[Recipe addIngredientsObject:]` directly, since I have that available. I certainly could have done that, and it’d have all of the advantages I cite, and it wouldn’t require the creation of the proxy mutable set either. However, if I wanted to something more complex than just an addition, using the proxy mutable set is a significant advantage.
> This is because the proxy mutable set (or array, if you’re using an ordered relationship and `-mutableArrayValueForKey:`) will do the heavy lifting of figuring out the right combination of the accessors your implemented accessors to perform an operation most efficiently. Also, technologies like Cocoa bindings will always use the proxy.

With this additional property in place, the entire Recipe class will look something like this:

@interface Recipe : NSObject {
NSMutableSet *_ingredients;

@property (copy) NSSet *ingredients;
@property (readonly, copy) NSMutableSet *mutableIngredients;

– (void)addIngredientsObject:(Ingredient *)ingredient;
– (void)removeIngredientsObject:(Ingredient *)ingredient;

– (void)addIngredients:(NSSet *)ingredients;
– (void)removeIngredients:(NSet *)ingredients;


@implementation Recipe

– (id)init {
if (self = [super init]) {
_ingredients = [[NSMutableSet alloc] init];
return self;

– (void)dealloc {
[_ingredients release];
[super dealloc];

– (void)setIngredients:(NSSet *)value {
[_ingredients setSet:value];

– (NSSet *)ingredients {
return [NSSet setWithSet:_ingredients];

– (NSMutableSet *)mutableIngredients {
return [self mutableSetValueForKey:@”ingredients”];

– (void)addIngredientsObject:(Ingredient *)ingredient {
[_ingredients addObject:ingredient];

– (void)removeIngredientsObject:(Ingredient *)ingredient {
[_ingredients removeObject:ingredient];

– (void)addIngredients:(NSSet *)ingredients {
[_ingredients unionSet:ingredients];

– (void)removeIngredients:(NSSet *)ingredients {
[_ingredients minusSet:ingredients];


And the code for creating the curry recipe becomes this, for which Xcode will give helpful Code Sense completion suggestions:

NSMutableSet *ingredients = panangCurryRecipe.mutableIngredients;

[ingredients addObject:[Ingredient ingredientWithName:@”Butternut Squash” quantity:1]];
[ingredients addObject:[Ingredient ingredientWithName:@”Panang Curry Paste” quantity:1]];
[ingredients addObject:[Ingredient ingredientWithName:@”Coconut Milk” quantity:1]];

As well, it continues to avoid making copies of the underlying collection representing the relationship, and it also continues to post fine-grained KVO change notifications rather than whole-property notifications, ensuring bound controls are updated efficiently.

So when you’re creating properties for to-many relationships whether they’re unordered (NSSet) or ordered (NSArray), consider using this approach to implementing them. It’ll take a little more code, but it’ll be a lot more efficient and more correct.

#### Bonus Round: Core Data

What about Core Data? Now that iPhone OS 3.0 has Core Data, in addition to Mac OS X, there’s **really** no excuse not to use it. But would you do anything differently above?

Of course. But since we’re talking about Core Data, it turns out that what you do different is actually *write a whole lot less code*. Here’s what the declaration of the Recipe class will look like if it corresponds to a Core Data entity:

@interface Recipe : NSManagedObject

@property (copy) NSSet *ingredients;
@property (readonly, copy) NSMutableSet *mutableIngredients;


@interface Recipe (CoreDataGeneratedAccessors)

– (void)addIngredientsObject:(Ingredient *)ingredient;
– (void)removeIngredientsObject:(Ingredient *)ingredient;

– (void)addIngredients:(NSSet *)ingredients;
– (void)removeIngredients:(NSet *)ingredients;


Notice that I’ve gotten rid of the instance variables section entirely. This is because Core Data manages the storage for your modeled attributes and relationships for you; you don’t need (and *really* don’t want) instance variables for them.

You’ll also notice that I put the additional to-many relationship accessor methods in their own category. To see why, take a look at the implementation of the class:

@implementation Recipe

@dynamic ingredients;

– (NSMutableSet *)mutableIngredients {
return [self mutableSetValueForKey:@”ingredients”];


Notice anything missing? *All of the methods related to the modeled `ingredients` property!* Core Data will not only generate an efficient setter and getter for the `ingredients` property automatically at run time, but will *also* generate implementations for the other `ingredients` to-many relationship accessor methods as well!

Core Data will generate the methods (at the latest) when you try to use them; it’s not dependent on having the category declaration available. That’s just for the compiler and IDE’s benefit when you’re writing code that *uses* those methods, so they can be completed by Code Sense and the compiler knows not to generate unknown-method warnings.

#### Changes

I added a bit after the first use of `-mutableSetValueForKey:` to address why one might want to use the mutable set proxy rather than just using the finer-grained KVC accessor methods directly.

Unit testing Cocoa user interfaces: Cocoa Bindings

About a year ago, I wrote about unit testing target-action connections for Cocoa user interfaces. That covers the traditional mechanism by which user interfaces have typically been constructed in Cocoa since the NeXTstep days. However, with the release of Mac OS X 10.3 Panther we’ve had a newer interface technology available — Cocoa bindings — which has presented some interesting application design and testing challenges.

Among other hurdles, to properly use Cocoa bindings in your own applications, you need to ensure that the code you write properly supports key-value coding and key-value observing. However, since the release of Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger, the necessary APIs have been available to easily do test-driven development of your application’s use of Cocoa bindings, following a trust, but verify approach. (It’s also been quite easy from the start to test your support for key-value coding and key-value observing, to ensure that your code meets the necessary prerequisites for supporting bindings. I can write more on this topic in another post if anyone is interested.)

The key to writing unit tests for Cocoa bindings is the -infoForBinding: method in AppKit’s NSKeyValueBindingCreation informal protocol. Using this simple method, you can interrogate any object that has a binding for all of the information about that binding! It simply returns a dictionary with three keys:

  1. NSObservedObjectKey, which is the object that the binding is bound to;
  2. NSObservedKeyPathKey, which is the key path that is bound — in Interface Builder terms, this is the controller key path combined with the model key path, with a dot in between them; and
  3. NSOptionsKey, which is a dictionary of additional binding options unique to the binding. These are all of those additional checkboxes and pop-ups in the Interface Builder bindings inspector for setting things like a value transformer.

By specifying what this dictionary should contain for a particular binding, you can describe the binding itself and thus start doing test-driven development of your Cocoa bindings-based user interface. Note that all of the system-supported binding names — as well as the binding option names — are specified in <AppKit/NSKeyValueBinding.h> and are documented, too!

Let’s take a simple example, like the one in last year’s target-action example, of a window controller whose window has a static text field in it. The field should have its value bound to the name of a person through an object controller for that person. Assume that I’ve already created the test case and set up some internal methods on my window controller to refer to the contents of the window via outlets, and to load the window (without displaying it) in -setUp just like in the target-action example.

First, to see that my text field has a value binding, I might write something like this:

- (void)testPersonNameFieldHasValueBinding {
    NSTextField *personNameField = [_windowController personNameField];

    NSDictionary *valueBindingInfo = [personNameField infoForBinding:NSValueBinding];
        @"The person name field's value should be bound.");

Of course, this tells us nothing about how the binding should be configured, so it needs some fleshing out…

Let’s check the object and key path for the binding.

- (void)testPersonNameFieldHasValueBinding {
    NSTextField *personNameField = [_windowController personNameField];

    NSDictionary *valueBindingInfo = [personNameField infoForBinding:NSValueBinding];
        @"The person name field's value should be bound.");

    NSObjectController *personController = [_windowController personController];
    STAssertEquals([valueBindingInfo objectForKey:NSObservedObjectKey], personController,
        @"The person name field should be bound to the person controller.");

    STAssertEqualObjects([valueBindingInfo objectForKey:NSObservedKeyPathKey], @"name",
        @"The person name field's value should be bound to the 'name' key.");

Not very exciting, and a little verbose, but it'll easily lead us through what needs to be set up in Interface Builder for this binding to work. If you want to cut down the verbosity, you can of course extract a method to do the basic checking...

- (BOOL)object:(id)object shouldHaveBinding:(NSString *)binding
            to:(id)boundObject throughKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath
    NSDictionary *info = [object infoForBinding:binding];

    return ([info objectForKey:NSObservedObjectKey] == boundObject)
            && [[info objectForKey:NSObservedKeyPathKey] isEqualToString:keyPath];

- (void)testPersonNameFieldHasValueBinding {
    NSTextField *personNameField = [_windowController personNameField];
    NSObjectController *personController = [_windowController personController];
    STAssertTrue([self object:personNameField shouldHaveBinding:NSValue
                           to:personController throughKeyPath:@"name"],
    @"Bind person name field's value to the person controller's 'name' key path.");

If you're writing code that needs, say, a value transformer, it's a simple matter to extend this model to also check that the correct value transformer class name is specified for the NSValueTransformerNameBindingOption key in the binding options dictionary returned for NSOptionsKey.

You can even extract these kinds of checks into your own subclass of SenTestCase that you use as the basis for all of your application test cases. This will let you write very concise specifications for how your user interface should be wired to the rest of the code, that you can use to just walk through Interface Builder and connect things together — as well as use to ensure that you don't break it accidentally by making changes to other items in Interface Builder.

This is the real power of test-driven development when combined with Cocoa: Because you can trust that the framework will do the right thing as long as it's set up right, you simply need to write tests that specify how your application's interface should be set up. You don't need to figure out how to create events manually, push them through the run loop or through the window's -sendEvent: method, how to deal with showing or not showing the window during tests, or anything like that. Just ensure that your user interface is wired up correctly and Cocoa will take care of the rest.

Unit testing Cocoa user interfaces: Target-Action

It’s really great to see that a lot of people are adopting unit testing for their projects and dramatically improving their quality. Test-driven development and agile development methodologies built around it are really taking off. However, a lot of people still feel that their user interface is difficult to test through code, and either requires a capture-playback tool or requires a different design approach based heavily on interfaces/protocols to get right.

In last year’s post Trust, but verify. I tried to dispel some of the mystery of testing your application’s user interface when using the Cocoa frameworks. However, I’ve still had a lot of (entirely well-justified!) requests for examples of how to put it into practice. So here’s a simple example of what I’d do to write a unit test for a button in a window that’s supposed to perform some action.

First, when implementing my window, I’d follow the standard Cocoa pattern of having a custom NSWindowController subclass to manage my window. This window controller will have an outlet connected to each of the views in the window, and will also wind up with a private accessor method — used only within the class and any subclasses, and in testing — for getting the value of each of its outlets. This design flows naturally from the test which I would write to specify that the window should contain a button. First, here’s the skeleton into which I’d put tests:

// TestMyWindow.h

#import <SenTestingKit/SenTestingKit.h>

@class MyWindowController;

@interface TestMyWindow : SenTestCase {
    MyWindowController *_windowController;
    NSWindow *_window;

// TestMyWindow.m

#import "TestMyWindow.h"
#import "MyWindowController_Private.h"

@implementation TestMyWindow

- (void)setUp {
    // MyWindowController knows its nib name and
    // invokes -initWithWindowNibName: in -init
    _windowController = [[MyWindowController alloc] init];

    // Load the window, but don't show it.
    _window = [_windowController window];

- (void)tearDown {
    [_windowController release];
    _window = nil; // owned by _windowController


That’s the infrastructure into which I’d put my other test methods for this window. For example, I’ll want to specify the nib name for the window controller and ensure that it actually knows its window:

- (void)testNibName {
    STAssertEqualObjects([_windowController windowNibName], @"MyWindow",
      @"The nib for this window should be MyWindow.nib");

- (void)testWindowLoading {
      @"The window should be connected to the window controller.");

Now let’s check that I have a “Do Something” button in the window, and that it sends an action directly to the window controller.

- (void)testDoSomethingButton {
    // _doSomethingButton is a private method that returns the button
    // conected to the doSomethingButton outlet
    NSButton *doSomethingButton = [_windowController _doSomethingButton];
      @"The window should have a 'Do something' button.");
    STAssertEqualObjects([doSomethingButton title], @"Do Something",
      @"The button should be titled accordingly.");

    STAssertEquals([doSomethingButton action], @selector(doSomething:),
      @"The button should send -doSomething: to its target.");

    STAssertEquals([doSomethingButton target], _windowController,
      @"The button should send its action to the window controller.");

You’ll notice something I’m not doing in the above: I’m not simulating interaction with the interface. This is the core of the trust, but verify approach to unit testing of your user interface.

I can trust that as long as I verify everything is hooked up properly that Cocoa will cause the button to send its action message to its target — whether it’s a specific object or, if the target is nil, the responder chain — whenever the button is clicked while it’s enabled and not hidden. I don’t need to simulate a user event, and I don’t even need to display the interface while running the unit tests. All I need to do is inspect, through code, that everything is wired up correctly.

Note that I can do way more than the above in testing my interface design, too. For example, I can ensure that the control layout is correct according to what my interface designer has specified, by checking bounding rectangles for example. But testing only the functionality of my interface has significant advantages, too. For example, it doesn’t matter if I wind up using a custom kind of button to achieve exactly the kind of look and feel or behavior I need. It doesn’t matter if I wind up changing the layout in response to feedback. No matter what I do, I’ll know that functionality won’t accidentally break while I’m messing around in Interface Builder — even if I completely rip out my interface and replace it with a new one!

This approach can also be used for testing Cocoa bindings using the -infoForBinding: method that was introduced in Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger. I hope to write up a post soon on how to approach Cocoa bindings using these same techniques, but it should be fairly straightforward given the above and the above documentation.

Update: I’ve struck through the check of the button’s title above, because you may or may not want to do that. For example, if you’re primarily running your unit tests against your development localization, you may want to put it in. But if you want to run your unit tests against a localized build of your application, you’ll probably want to avoid checking a localized title against an English string. A “have your cake and eat it too” strategy might be to keep a variable somewhere in your application that can be used to selectively disable checks of only localized strings.

Update July 7, 2007: I’ve finally written a post, Unit testing Cocoa user interfaces: Cocoa bindings, on how to write tests for Cocoa bindings. Now there’s no excuse for not doing test-driven development of your Cocoa user interfaces!

Platform Futures

On Windows, many developers seem to want to run as fast as possible away from Microsoft Visual C++ and embrace Microsoft’s C# and .NET platform for new development. Most Windows developers that I’ve seen seem downright enthusiastic about these technologies. It’s disconcerting; I’m not used to seeing Windows developers (or users) be enthusiastic about their platform.

On the Mac, many developers are trying to hold onto C++ and Carbon for as long as they can, even for new development. A new Mac developer on the Carbon list actually said he wished Apple had a C++ framework that used MFC-like “message maps” for Mac OS X-only Carbon development “to make it easier to build software fast!” (Paraphrased.) And Metrowerks is spending money & time building a next-generation C++ PowerPlant framework for Mac OS X-only Carbon development! And some developers keep on Apple’s case to try and maintain feature parity between Carbon and Cocoa.

Fortunately, Apple isn’t giving in to them as much as they might think. For instance, WebKit has a Carbon wrapper, but it’s just a wrapper; WebView is really a Cocoa framework and if you want to extend it you’re going to have to use Cocoa. The Cocoa Controller layer is only really possible to do with a rich dynamic runtime; it’ll never make it to Carbon. You can only build screen savers using Cocoa and Objective-C. You can only build preference panes using Cocoa and Objective-C. Virtually all new applications coming out of Apple are built using Cocoa and Objective-C.

(Keynote, SoundTrack, LiveType, iCal, iPhoto, iSync, iChat AV, Safari… Final Cut and Logic don’t count, since they ware originally developed for the traditional Mac OS and thus aren’t new. Neither does Shake, since it was originally developed for Irix and X11 — though it wouldn’t surprise me at all to see it rearchitected as a Cocoa application in the next couple of years.)

The future of development on Windows is C# and .NET. This has been clear since Microsoft first released .NET, and it’s especially clear in light of the latest PDC and Longhorn.

The future of development on the Mac is Objective-C and Cocoa. This has been clear ever since Apple bought NeXT, and it’s especially clear in light of the latest WWDC and Panther.

Deal with it.