I love good fonts. It’s one of the things that I enjoy most about Mac OS X — the font rendering is *wonderful*.
Lately for programming and Terminal use, I’ve used [Inconsolata][1] by [Raph Levien][2]. It’s a very clean monospaced font that renders really well at 12 points and higher, and is perfectly usable for coding at that size. It avoids the [Vera Sans Mono][3] problems with too-thin horizontal lines at common sizes.
Tonight — thanks to [Jens Alfke][4] and his [logo design][5] for the [Mercurial][6] distributed SCM system — I’ve discovered the free fonts from [Yanone][7], specifically [Kaffeesatz][8] and [Tagesschrift][9]. Kaffeesatz in particular is a pretty slick font; hopefully I can find a use for it in something.
Any other free & open font suggestions? Let me know in the comments. I can always use more great fonts.
[1]: http://www.levien.com/type/myfonts/inconsolata.html
[2]: http://www.levien.com/
[3]: http://www.bitstream.com/font_rendering/products/dev_fonts/vera.html
[4]: http://mooseyard.com/Jens/
[5]: http://mooseyard.com/Jens/2008/02/make-mine-mercurial/
[6]: http://www.selenic.com/mercurial/
[7]: http://www.yanone.de/
[8]: http://www.yanone.de/typedesign/kaffeesatz/
[9]: http://www.yanone.de/typedesign/tagesschrift/